The Hudson Independent

Thank you to illuminating Linda Viertel and the informative Hudson Independent for the article!

Happy New Year, Fish Friends!

Sasha sells seafood indoors and out

January 4, 2021

By Linda Vier­tel–

That’s how Sasha Skon, owner, man­ager and “she­mon­ger” of Sasha’s Seafood greeted her email cus­tomers plac­ing or­ders be­fore her first 2021 pop-up seafood mar­ket at the Fit Inn (104 Cen­tral Av­enue) in Tar­ry­town. Every first and third Wednes­day of the month, from 2:30 to 5 p.m., cus­tomers can pick up what they have cho­sen to or­der from her vir­tual shop on her web­site: sashas­ And, start­ing this Wednes­day, Jan­u­ary 6th, she will be of­fer­ing her first full share Sea So­ci­ety Mem­ber­ship boxes which means she will be tak­ing pre-or­ders and of­fer­ing a lim­ited walk-in menu se­lec­tion as well.

Tar­ry­town res­i­dent, Sasha Skon, grew up in a third gen­er­a­tion fish­mon­ger’s home in New York City, en­joy­ing the fresh­est fish avail­able from the mar­ket.  “My step-dad, brother and cousin still bring fresh fish home every day; it’s been part of our iden­tity for gen­er­a­tions,” she said. Her step-fa­ther, David Samuels, still works at the Ful­ton Fish Mar­ket (start­ing at mid­night!), so Sasha texts him her or­der from her river­town cus­tomers on Tues­day night. She then picks up all or­ders from him on Wednes­day morn­ing in the Bronx so that her pop-up mar­ket of­fers the fresh­est seafood pos­si­ble. It’s a pas­sion for her, hav­ing been for­tu­nate enough to live in a fam­ily that trea­sured home-cook­ing, es­pe­cially when her two grand­moth­ers, one French and the other Is­raeli, were in the kitchen.

Af­ter liv­ing in San Fran­cisco for 14 years, then Los An­ge­les for a year, she de­cided to come back to the East Coast to be near her par­ents and in-laws. When her sec­ond child was born, she and her hus­band Nate, who works for a re­new­able en­ergy com­pany, be­gan ex­plor­ing places to live and had heard won­der­ful things about Tar­ry­town. Once the Skon fam­ily set­tled into vil­lage life, Sasha re­al­ized she wanted to bring her fo­cus on sus­tain­abil­ity from her Cal­i­for­nia life to her new com­mu­nity. As she says on her web­site, “I started Sasha’s Seafood for two rea­sons: to of­fer ac­cess to the best seafood, usu­ally re­served for restau­rants, to my com­mu­nity; and to make at-home seafood more fun and ap­proach­able.”

With those two pre­cepts in mind, she searched for a way to pre­sent her fresh seafood dur­ing win­ter-time and found the ideal venue: the Fit Inn. Own­ers Molly and Tony Canu one of the TaSH (Tar­ry­town/​Sleepy Hol­low Farm­ers mar­ket) spon­sors, of­fered their busi­ness lo­ca­tion to Sasha. They had all be­come good friends at the TaSH sea­sonal mar­ket where Sasha sold her seafood. “It was a nat­ural fit per­son­ally,” Sasha said,” And, the com­mu­nity con­nected right away.”

Her com­pre­hen­sive list of seafood of­fer­ings changes sea­son­ally: when sweet, small bay scal­lops, so del­i­cate and ephemeral, are in sea­son, she pro­vides them. Every­thing she of­fers is wild caught ex­cept for her salmon, which is farmed in the Faroe Is­lands. She and her fam­ily think it is the finest avail­able. Even Sasha’s shrimp is fresh, not frozen, a to­tal rar­ity and very hard to find in fish mar­kets. Shell-on fresh shrimp holds the fla­vor in and keeps the tex­ture from be­com­ing mushy, of­ten a prob­lem with frozen shrimp. Her biggest sell­ers are salmon, scal­lops, sea bass (both whole and fil­let), hal­ibut and sword­fish. Shell­fish are of­fered when avail­able, as will be her Sea So­ci­ety Mem­ber­ships, a lim­ited menu of boxed seafood. In the fu­ture, Sasha hopes to make chow­ders and fish mari­nades.

“She’s been my weekly sup­plier of in­cred­i­bly fresh fish the last few months. We’ve had some mem­o­rable din­ners.” for­mer Mayor, Drew Fix­ell com­mented, “She set up a pre-Christ­mas table on Wednes­day at the Fit Inn where we picked up our 3rd week’s pound+ of beau­ti­ful glis­ten­ing wild-caught hal­ibut.” Sasha says that not only were fel­low ven­dors at the TaSH help­ful in tak­ing time to set up her space at the mar­ket, but that mar­ket cus­tomers and other res­i­dents have re­sponded en­thu­si­as­ti­cally to her seafood pop-up of­fer­ings. She’s grate­ful to have got­ten to know so many par­ents in her chil­dren’s pre-school, the women with whom she is a mem­ber of Moth­ers out Front, and is en­joy­ing con­nec­tion to more of the com­mu­nity through Sasha’s Seafood.

If You Go:

Sasha’s Seafood @The Fit Inn
104 Cen­tral Av­enue, Tar­ry­town

1st and 3rd Wednes­days; 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.



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